I know that statistically, most of the people that are going to vote do so in the first couple of days, but there is always the chance that some people are still looking for guidance if they have not already made up their minds, or had their minds made up for them.
So this is what my recommended voting list looks like (taken from my CSM forum thread). - in case any of my supporters are unsure what to do with their votes. I will happily answer any questions people have about it.
Lorelei Ierendi
commander aze
Toxic Yaken
Steve Ronuken
rhiload Feron-drake
Ariel Rin
Juvenius Drakonius
Erika Mizune
DJ Thomas
JTClone Ares
The alternates are there in case there is anyone that cannot stomach one or other of the candidates. I have already received questions about this list, and I will answer them here after the elections.
CCP have done more for the elections this year, notifications and so on. Looking forward to see if that has had any influence on the turnout.
Happy Voting!
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