Time to take a breather... watch the Fanfest twitch (sadly no Security presentation) and go and relax in Provi null to get some distance from the issues that bug me. Maybe I will go on a trip around null again, like last year (http://hisec-carebear.blogspot.de/2016/04/nullsec-holiday.html).
So I went back to my base at DNR-7M. I discovered a bunch of null-ore in the corporation hanger (my Corpsmate was busy whilst I was doing high sec things) and proceeded to move it back to high sec for refining and selling.
Whilst flying back and forth I almost got caught in an interdiction bubble. Fortunately I remembered how to escape them without being made to decloak...
Channel Name: Local
Listener: Lorelei Ierendi
Session started: 2017.04.07 11:37:03
[ 2017.04.07 11:49:13 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : JEIV-E
[ 2017.04.07 11:50:51 ] Lorelei Ierendi > interdiction bubble on xh gate
[ 2017.04.07 11:51:18 ] Provi Friendly > y AntarisIX is cloaky sabre jumped back xhq most likely
[ 2017.04.07 11:51:44 ] Lorelei Ierendi > nearly got me
Channel Name: Private Chat (Provi Friendly)
Listener: Lorelei Ierendi
Session started: 2017.04.07 11:51:59
[ 2017.04.07 11:52:02 ] Provi Friendly > o/
[ 2017.04.07 11:52:05 ] Lorelei Ierendi > o7
[ 2017.04.07 11:52:07 ] Provi Friendly > take care when he is around
[ 2017.04.07 11:52:13 ] Provi Friendly > he is a pussy but dangerous ^^
[ 2017.04.07 11:52:24 ] Provi Friendly > belonging to spectre gate camp in kbp
[ 2017.04.07 11:52:33 ] Lorelei Ierendi > there used to be a channel with intel for the region?
[ 2017.04.07 11:53:03 ] Provi Friendly > north provi intel
[ 2017.04.07 11:53:19 ] Lorelei Ierendi > thx
[ 2017.04.07 11:53:20 ] Provi Friendly > you can contact DIPLO PERSON for access
[ 2017.04.07 11:53:32 ] Provi Friendly > and the citadel for all of providence
[ 2017.04.07 11:53:33 ] Lorelei Ierendi > thanks again!
[ 2017.04.07 11:53:39 ] Provi Friendly > and blue system in catch
[ 2017.04.07 11:54:06 ] Provi Friendly > there you have to apply for access asking cva
[ 2017.04.07 11:54:29 ] Lorelei Ierendi > thanks! its good to be back!
[ 2017.04.07 11:54:35 ] Provi Friendly > http://forum.cva-eve.org/index.php?topic=3576.0
[ 2017.04.07 11:54:38 ] Provi Friendly > bw then ^^
[ 2017.04.07 11:54:41 ] Provi Friendly > *wb
[ 2017.04.07 11:54:43 ] Lorelei Ierendi > :)
[ 2017.04.07 11:55:19 ] Provi Friendly > you are a blue alt or back from inactivity ? ^^
[ 2017.04.07 11:55:28 ] Provi Friendly > already living in providence longer time ago?
[ 2017.04.07 11:56:30 ] Lorelei Ierendi > I came out here last year... got an office in DNR. After a couple of months I got drawn back into the probs of high sec.... but high sec is too problematic!
[ 2017.04.07 11:57:03 ] Provi Friendly > the?
[ 2017.04.07 11:57:14 ] Provi Friendly > ah the probs?
[ 2017.04.07 11:57:32 ] Lorelei Ierendi > non consensual pvp.... and what to do about it...
[ 2017.04.07 11:58:22 ] Provi Friendly > ah like that thingy
[ 2017.04.07 11:58:26 ] Provi Friendly > with the premits
[ 2017.04.07 11:58:31 ] Provi Friendly > forgot the name code was it
[ 2017.04.07 11:58:41 ] Provi Friendly > y in 0.0 we laugh about that guys
[ 2017.04.07 11:58:44 ] Lorelei Ierendi > yeah like that thingy.
[ 2017.04.07 11:58:54 ] Provi Friendly > like the guys in kbp are a joke aswell
[ 2017.04.07 11:58:55 ] Lorelei Ierendi > and that is why I am back in null!
[ 2017.04.07 11:59:12 ] Provi Friendly > they camp the gate and do small fast roams in severance and yulai pocket
[ 2017.04.07 11:59:18 ] Provi Friendly > but they do not search fights
[ 2017.04.07 11:59:20 ] Lorelei Ierendi > time to get some perspective... :)
[ 2017.04.07 11:59:23 ] Provi Friendly > tehy are only looking for victims
[ 2017.04.07 11:59:35 ] Provi Friendly > y null is great ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:00:31 ] Lorelei Ierendi > I like it here
[ 2017.04.07 12:00:41 ] Provi Friendly > y providence is unique in eve
[ 2017.04.07 12:00:45 ] Provi Friendly > with nrds
[ 2017.04.07 12:00:53 ] Lorelei Ierendi > nrds is the best!
[ 2017.04.07 12:00:54 ] Provi Friendly > most populated 0.0 space
[ 2017.04.07 12:00:59 ] Provi Friendly > indeed ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:01:12 ] Lorelei Ierendi > its like high sec should be!
[ 2017.04.07 12:01:13 ] Provi Friendly > and the neutral pilots living with us are the real ritchness of this space
[ 2017.04.07 12:01:23 ] Provi Friendly > y or all 0.0 ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:01:38 ] Provi Friendly > in fact it is ccps idea how the 0 sec space should be organized
[ 2017.04.07 12:01:54 ] Provi Friendly > and not with that pussy behaviour not blue shoot it
[ 2017.04.07 12:02:10 ] Provi Friendly > providence is the gaulic village in eve ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:02:18 ] Provi Friendly > we got the magic drink ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:02:18 ] Lorelei Ierendi > :D
[ 2017.04.07 12:02:23 ] Provi Friendly > if you know asterix ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:02:53 ] Lorelei Ierendi > I know a little asterix.... that's more my daughter's field of expertise!!
[ 2017.04.07 12:03:36 ] Provi Friendly > ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:03:49 ] Provi Friendly > it wa in fact the first "book" i read as i was little ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:03:58 ] Provi Friendly > my father had all of the comics
[ 2017.04.07 12:04:07 ] Lorelei Ierendi > nice!
[ 2017.04.07 12:04:34 ] Provi Friendly > and asterix and the golden Sickle was my first ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:05:32 ] Lorelei Ierendi > got to go afk.... lunchtime! o7 nice talking to you!
[ 2017.04.07 12:05:51 ] Provi Friendly > cu later maybe o/ ^^
[ 2017.04.07 12:09:25 ] Lorelei Ierendi > o7
And in my experience, high sec does not normally deliever random helpfulness like that. My Carebear cousins have a lot to learn.
Then I got in touch with my null-mining friend and we decided to mine.

Almost a year to the day after the last losses.....
It's good to be back in null for a while!
Fly Safely! o7
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